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Garrett Aamodt



Born in USA, 1983

 Studied at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh

My name is Garrett Aamodt. I live in Ventura county Ca, and love this beach area. I am very passionate about photography and have been for as long as I can remember. I loved those little disposable cameras you find at the convenience store. I have sence graduated to a better quality of camera but the love and mystery of the craft is still with me. I love clients that let me try out new ideas as well as cherish input on what you are looking for as a client. 

One of the hardest things for me as an artist is turning my art into a business. If you have ever tried turning your passion in to anything other then your passion you know what I am talking about. I love the craft and have to tear myself away from behind the camera to focus on the business as a whole. As a client you will get my undevided attention and I will capture your day as no other photographer can. A fresh artistic eye and a love for art will guarantee you amazing results.

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